In the Street
Robert Kowalski's film will go down in the history of Polish documentary cinema as one of the most important pieces of early evidence of a new phenomenon in the social life of the Third Polish Republic: street protests movements.
Initiated by the Committee for the Defence of Democracy’s mass demonstrations after the government’s attack on the Constitutional Trybunal, street protests take a variety of forms and have a large number of actors, from great protest leaders like Paweł Kasprzak of Obywatele RP, to those who, like Beata Katkowska, have the courage to protest alone. Kowalski also shares the voices of Klementyna Suchanow, Rafał R. Suszek, Nadia Kłos, and Dawid Winiarski. One thing that is extremely important for the future is that, thanks to Kowalski’s work, OKO.press has been recording and analyzing the crisis of constitutional democracy in Poland at the audiovisual level as well.