Festival 2023
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Crotch Stories

Crotch Stories

35' 2021
dir.: Myleine Guiard-Schmid

An experimental and sensual animated film. Just possibly, with the right attitude, childbirth can be completely different than we imagine.

Can childbirth be a pleasant experience? What makes us think that it "has to hurt" and why do we consider any attempts to find alternatives to be esoteric inventions? An animated visual essay, including the director's own story, as well as that of midwives, doulas, and women who gave birth. The film shows the complexity of this intimate, but also surprisingly political experience. Where does the freedom to decide about one's own body end in countries more liberal than Poland? And has the patriarchy deprived us of the right to pleasure when we give birth to another human being? 

Marta Lityńska

2022 Hot Docs
2022 Ji.hlava IDFF
2021 IDFA
Watch for free
35' 2021 Belgium, France
Myleine Guiard-Schmid
Simon Filliot
Sébastien Demeffe
Folle Allure Films, Atelier Graphoui
Online availability
Special collection - watch between December 11-31