Closing party of the 23rd WATCH DOCS at Kulturalna – the festival club
We could all use a little more warmth! That's why, on the eve of International Human Rights Day, we invite you to the WATCH DOCS closing party, organised in honour of the great defenders of human rights: activists and documentary filmmakers. The ball of energy from this year's festival poster will light up the dancefloor at Kulturalna, and – we hope – the party will last until morning. May the power (of film) be with us!
We will be entertained by:
DJ My Captain - by day also known as Adam Ślesicki, president of the Władysław Ślesicki Film Foundation and director of DOC LAB POLAND. For centuries, he has been playing the music that filmmakers have to dance to (because they have no one better). You'll find joy, love and antidepressants - in any proportion, spiced with a dash of rage, cruel irony and sincere commitment. "A little party never killed nobody!" Though there are exceptions...
DJ Czubak - pop tunes from disco classics to contemporary mainstream; disco, house, rap, rnb.
FB: facebook.com/prayer
IG: instagram.com/praojciec
Ślesicki Film Foundation
Henryk Wujec Civic Fund
Citizens Network Watchdog Poland
Polish National Federation of Non-Governmental Organisations
Nasz Rzecznik Inititive
Amnesty International
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights