DISCUSSION: Menstruation - still a taboo topic

DISCUSSION: Menstruation - still a taboo topic

The films 'Loud & Here"' and 'Periodical' will be followed by a discussion focusing on menstruation. It will be attended by: Elżbieta Wiercińska-Kazimierczuk, Agata Kominiak, Roman Martynów, Edyta Stępczak.

Więcej o filmach:

"Loud & Here" - What is the scale of sexual violence at school? And how can it be countered?

"Periodical" - A multidimensional look at menstruation, which, contrary to cultural stereotypes, does not have to be a shameful problem. 

Free admission


Elżbieta Wiercińska-Kazimierczuk - ambassador of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, Polish language teacher at the Third High School and at the International School of Leszno, educator of the Foundation for the Development of Media and Social Competences ‘KinoSzkoła’, graduate of Gender Studies.

Agata Kominiak - member of the board of the Julia Woykowska Foundation, co-founder of the Women's History Museum Foundation, educator, co-author of the game ‘Girls rule’, social activist.
Roman Martynów - deputy headmaster of the First High School in Leszno, which was one of the first schools to introduce the ‘pink box’, co-creator of the ‘Lecture House’ podcast

Edyta Stępczak - humanitarian activist, advocate for women's rights, author of press articles and the book ‘Burka in Nepal is called sari’.