Animals Are People Too. Discussion after the screening of "Dogs Are People Too" [in Polish]

Animals Are People Too. Discussion after the screening of "Dogs Are People Too" [in Polish]

Poland has over 12 million pets—more cats and dogs than its 6 million children. Pets have become our therapists, friends, even family. Meanwhile, the industrial exploitation of livestock continues almost without question. What legal measures are needed to redefine and protect our relationships with other species? 

Free admission

Moderator: Paulina Januszewska (Krytyka Polityczna) 


  • Prof. Andrzej Elzhanowski - Zoologist and bioethicist. For many years he has been working to improve protection for animals. As a member of the National Ethical Commission for Animal Experiments in its first term (1999-2003), he caused the introduction of an invasiveness scale for experiments in Poland and contributed to changes in the Law on Animal Protection (including the removal of exceptions to the ban on slaughter without stunning). 
  • Dr. Agnieszka Gruszczynska - lawyer, animal law specialist, social activist for animals. Co-author and co-director of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies “Animal Law” and lecturer at the “Veterinary and Sanitary Law” studies at SWPS University.
  • Bogny Wiltowska - Director of Investigations at the Open Cages Association